Title: The Alarming Rise of Identity Theft: A 2024 Perspective In recent years, the threat of identity theft has escalated dramatically, becoming a pervasive concern for individuals across the United States. The emergence of a new identity theft case every 22 seconds underscores the severity of this issue, reflecting an unprecedented peak in the frequency…
DID SOMEONE FILE FOR UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS UNDER YOUR NAME? If you discover that someone has collected unemployment under your name (or someone you know) here are some things you can do to deal with this situation. This is a bigger problem that you might imagine. There are people trying to collect unemployment, in multiple states…
Credit bureau reporting wrong? What to Do When the Credit Bureau Won’t Fix an Error on Your Report If you need legal assistance with any of the below steps, Contact the law firm at 888-275-2620 https://roncooklawfirm.com/contact-us/ When you find an error on your credit report, the Fair Credit Reporting Act gives…
This book discusses how to raise your credit score. It includes new ways that you can increase your credit that previously were not available. For example, rent that you pay and the cell phone bill you pay can count towards increasing your credit score. This is a MUST read because you can increase your score…
How to file a bankruptcy book. This book discusses the “nuts and bolts” of getting a bankruptcy petition completed with or without an attorney. I previously published a book titled: “Should I file a bankruptcy?” That book was written specifically for the person CONSIDERING filing for a bankruptcy. That book was designed to be an aid…