Experienced Slip and Fall Lawyers | Free Consultation

Slip and Fall Lawyers

Experienced New York Slip and Fall Lawyers Ready to Support Your Recovery

Slip and fall accidents can drastically alter your life, leading to severe injuries, accumulating medical bills, and lost wages. If you’ve been injured due to a property owner’s negligence, it’s crucial to know that you have the right to seek compensation. Our law firm specializes in slip and fall accidents and premises liability claims throughout New York. We are committed to helping victims navigate the complex legal process and secure the compensation they deserve.

Why Choose Us for Your Slip and Fall Claim?

  • Proven Success: We have secured significant settlements and jury verdicts for injury victims across New York.
  • Constant Communication: You’ll always be updated about your case status.
  • Premises Liability Expertise: Our focus on personal injury and premises liability claims means we’re perfectly positioned to support your case.

How We Can Help With Your Slip and Fall Case

Our law firm is dedicated to thorough investigation, negotiation, and trial preparation to ensure you receive maximum compensation. We delve into property owners’ safety records, argue against aggressive insurers, and aren’t afraid to take your case to trial if necessary.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Injuries

  • Unattended spills or wet floors
  • Poorly lit walkways
  • Obstacles in walkways
  • Unsafe staircases or missing handrails

Your Right to Compensation in New York

Compensation varies based on injury severity, recovery time, and other factors. We aim to recover both economic (medical bills, lost wages) and non-economic damages (pain and suffering, emotional distress) for you.

Understanding Fault

In New York, if you’re involved in an accident and found to share some of the blame, you can still pursue compensation. Thanks to the state’s “pure comparative negligence” rule, your responsibility for the incident doesn’t block your path to recovering damages. However, the amount you can recover will be adjusted based on how much the accident was your fault. For example, if you’re found to be 30% responsible for your injuries, your compensation would be reduced by 30%. This ensures that even if you played a part in the accident, you’re not entirely barred from receiving financial support for your injuries. It’s a fair system that weighs your contribution to the accident against the compensation you deserve.

Immediate Steps After a Slip and Fall Incident

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Prioritize your health to document injuries.
  2. Report the Incident: Notify the property owner or manager immediately.
  3. Gather Evidence: Take photos of the scene and collect witness information.
  4. Consult an Attorney: Contact us to ensure your rights are protected.
  5. Avoid Social Media: Do not discuss your incident or injuries online.
  6. Follow Medical Advice: Continue with your prescribed treatment plan.

Time Limits for Filing a Claim

You typically have three years from the injury date to file a lawsuit in New York. Prompt action is crucial to avoid missing your opportunity for compensation.

Contact Our New York Slip and Fall Lawyers

If you’ve suffered from a slip and fall accident, don’t navigate the aftermath alone. Our law firm is ready to guide you through every step, ensuring you’re fairly compensated. For expert legal support and a free consultation, contact us today. Let us take on the legal burden so you can focus on healing.

Empower Your Recovery with Expert Legal Support

Don’t let a slip and fall incident put your future at risk. Our law firm has the expertise and commitment to fight for the compensation you need and deserve.

Call us now to schedule your free consultation and take the first step towards securing your recovery and justice.

 CLICK HERE for information regarding books published by Attorney Ronald Cook.

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