Ticket Violation Points Chart
Our law firm has assisted THOUSANDS of people in reducing their traffic ticket points and fines.
We go to court for you so that you don’t need to attend.
Traffic Tickets New York:
What is the Driver Violation Point System “Points” and how does it work?
- If you receive 3 speeding tickets, within 18 months, your license can be SUSPENDED.
- If you receive 2 cell phone violations, within 18 months, your license can be SUSPENDED.
- If you receive 6 or more points on your New York State driving record in 18 months,
you must pay a Driver Responsibility Assessment fee. HIRE A LAWYER TO PREVENT THIS!
The Driver Violation Point System gives the New York State DMV a way to identify and take action
against high risk drivers. The DMV assigns points for certain traffic violations. If you get 11 points
in an 18-month period, your driver license may be suspended. However, the point system is not
the only way to lose your license.
How your point total is calculated
•you must be convicted of the traffic violation before points are added to your driving record
•your point total is calculated based on the date of the violation, not the date of the conviction
•the points for violations that all occurred within the last 18 months are TOTALED
Number of points assigned for common traffic violations / Violation Points
Speeding – MPH over speed limit not indicated 3
Speeding 1 – 10 MPH over speed limit 3
Speeding 11 – 20 MPH over speed limit 4
Speeding 21 – 30 MPH over speed limit 6
Speeding 31 – 40 MPH over speed limit 8
Speeding More than 40 MPH over speed limit 11 Reckless driving 5
Failed to stop for a school bus 5
Inadequate brakes 4
Improper cell phone use 5
Following too closely 4
Passing improperly or changing lanes unsafely 3
Driving to the left of center, driving in the wrong direction 3
Failed to obey a traffic signal, a stop sign, or a yield sign 3
Railroad crossing violation 3
Failed to yield the right-of-way 3
Passenger safety violation 3 (see below)
(including seat belt and child safety seat violations for passengers under the age of 16)
Left the scene of an accident that includes property damage or the injury of a domestic animal 3
Other moving violations 2
Inadequate brakes (vehicle of an employer) 2
Use of portable electronic device (“texting”) 5
Out-of-state convictions
If you are convicted of a traffic violation in another state or country, points are not added to your
New York State driving record, unless the violation occurred in Ontario or Quebec. New York State
has a reciprocal agreement with Quebec and Ontario. Traffic violation convictions that occur in these
provinces are recorded on your New York State driver record, and the convictions have the same
effect and carry the same points as convictions that occur in New York State. This can affect your
driver violation point total and Driver Responsibility Assessment.
Insurance Premiums
Insurance companies have their own point systems and can increase your premiums based on your
driving record. Contact your insurance company for more information.
Point and Insurance Reduction Program
If you take a DMV-approved Point and Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP) course, you can:
•reduce your driver violation point total by a maximum of 4 points
•save 10 percent on your automobile liability and collision insurance premiums.
Why our law firm?
- Decades of experience
- Highly Skilled and Experienced Attorney
- Fights to Protect Each Client’s Rights
- Attorney Answers the Phone and Provides Consultations
- Reasonable Rates
- Open on Holidays
- Appointments Available
- 24-Hour Emergency Services
Accumulating too many points on your license for traffic violations can result in serious penalties.
We will aggressively fight each traffic ticket to help you avoid points and the loss of your driving privileges.
Protect Your Driving Privileges! Did you know that when you pay a ticket you are pleading guilty?
Some traffic violations can have very serious repercussions.
Depending on the nature of the traffic violation, some of the potential penalties you could face include:
- Fines
- Points
- Auto insurance rate hikes
- Driver’s license suspension
- Jail
Below are some common traffic tickets issued in this County
Speed Restrictions – Article 30
1180 (a) Speed not reasonable/prudent
1180 (d) Speeding in excess of posted limits
1181 (a) Impeding traffic – driving too slowly
1182 1 Unauthorized speed contest (drag race)
Special Stops – Article 29
1172 (a) Disobeyed stop sign
1172 (b) Failed to stop for yield sign when required
1173 Failed to stop – emerging from alley, driveway, private road, or building
1174 (a) Passed stopped school bus/lights flashing
1174 (b) Failed to keep school bus halted/lighted
1175 Entered intersection when room unavailable (gridlock)
Turning at Intersections – Article 28
1160 (a) Improper right turn
1160 (b) Improper left turn (two-way)
1160 (c) Improper left turn (one-way)
1160 (d) Failed to turn as required
1161 U-turn at grade/curve
1162 Moved stopped vehicle unsafely
1163 (a) Improper/unsafe turn
1163 (b) Failed to signal for turn
1163 (c) Failed to signal when stopping
1163 (e) Failed to use emergency flashers
1164 (b) No directionals – certain vehicles
1166 (a) Improper right turn off roadway
1166 (b) Improper left turn off roadway
1166 (c) Improper left turn (one-way) off roadway
Right of Way – Article 26
1140 (a) Fail to yield approaching intersection
1140 (b) Driver on left failed to yield in intersection
1141 Fail to yield – left turn
1142 (a) Fail to stop – stop sign/failed to yield
1142 (b) Fail to yield – yield sign
1143 Fail to yield – entering roadway
1144 (a) Fail to yield to author. emergency vehicle
1145 Fail to yield at traffic circle
1146 Fail to exercise due care to avoid collision with bicyclist, pedestrian, or domestic animal
1151 (a) Fail to yield to pedestrian in crosswalk
CLICK HERE to learn more about traffic tickets